Sixth Formers organise excellent event as part of Woldingham Leadership Award programme

Sixth Formers organise excellent event as part of Woldingham Leadership Award programme

5 December 2023

Ahead of choosing their GCSE options, on Wednesday 29 November Year 9 students had an additional opportunity to ask any remaining questions of fellow students who know exactly what it is like to be in their shoes at the Lower Sixth-Hosted GCSE Options Event. Each subject was represented by Year 11 or Lower Sixth students and the buzz of chatter in the Goddard Room showed there was plenty to discuss.

The event was planned and organised by Lower Sixth students Clara, Jessica and Tina, who are working towards the Sixth Form Woldingham Leadership Award*. As part of the programme, students are tasked with developing leadership skills by planning and executing a task or event beneficial to the school or local community. Clara, Jessica and Tina took their idea of older students helping younger students to Mr Ross, Director of Leadership, who pointed them in the right direction to get the event off the ground. After that, it was down to them.

Mme Emery, Head of Year 9, was impressed with the Sixth Formers’ initiative and execution, saying: “Clara, Jessica and Tina not only came up with the great idea of a student-only GCSE options session to complement last month’s event involving parents and teachers, they also demonstrated the leadership skills necessary to involve the wider student body and make it a successful reality.”

*The Woldingham Leadership Award programme, launched this year, provides a framework for students to write their own personal growth story, fostering qualities rooted in Sacred Heart Goals and servant leadership, as well as Woldingham’s mission to develop confident, compassionate and courageous young women.

There is a Woldingham Leadership Award for each phase of school life: Marden, Main House and Sixth Form. The awards acknowledge those students who make the most of the boundless opportunities that Woldingham has to offer and encourage all to rise to the challenge of being their best self.

Students work towards accumulating 100 points through activities aligned with the Sacred Heart Goals, keeping track of their progress through their personal growth journal under the guidance of their tutor. This may involve activities as wide ranging as working in a food bank, doing extra academic reading and research, or serving on a student committee. Crucially, students can suggest their own activities within the parameters of the Sacred Heart goals, and there have already been some fantastic ideas put forward, such as the event organised by Clara, Jessica and Tina.

We are excited to see how students develop confidence, courage and compassion as they work towards a Woldingham Leadership Award and look forward to presenting the first awards next summer.

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