Students step outside the syllabus with excellent EPQ presentations

Students step outside the syllabus with excellent EPQ presentations

21 November 2023

Mrs Ruth Deaney, EPQ Co-ordinator

Over the past two weeks, Upper Sixth students have given excellent extended project qualification (EPQ) presentations on a wonderfully varied range of subjects.

The EPQ is an additional curriculum option for Sixth Form students, where they research and study any topic of their choice that is not covered on their A Level syllabus. Students also have an opportunity to practise formal presentation skills as part of their assessment. Presentation topics the audience of staff and students enjoyed listening to this year included:

  • Bioluminescence as a light source
  • How do museum curatorial choices influence our understanding of art?
  • Echoes of enchantment: Dorset folklore through a tapestry of memory
  • To what extent was the Dove ‘Real Beauty’ campaign successful in achieving its aims?

Some of our students chose the option of creating an artefact. This year, artefacts included a playscript on Sultana Harem, a research project on growing mushrooms on post-consumer waste, the development of Dior fashion designs and a podcast on ancient climate change.

All our EPQ students did an excellent job with their presentations. They will be handing in their written work very shortly. Well done, everybody.

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