Connections Week reminds our community of the importance of kindness

Connections Week reminds our community of the importance of kindness

29 June 2023

Alison N, Head Girl

It was the Ribbons’ turn – and pleasure - to organise this year’s Connections Week, reminding us all of the importance of kindness and community.

During the week of 19-23 June, we gave out gold stickers to students we saw being kind and helpful, such as opening doors for someone walking behind them. These are things students do subconsciously every day. However, when their acts of kindness are recognised by others, they realise what a positive difference they can make to daily life.

During lunchtime, we set up garden games, including Jenga and Connect 4 outside Marden, and it was great to see how keen students were to play with friends and relax.

We also organised some year group activities to make yet more connections. We played rounders with Year 9s on top pitches. We got creative with Year 10s, throwing powdered paint onto a canvas to create a piece of artwork of the Woldingham logo (pictured). And we enjoyed chatting with Mardeners over a picnic, as well as getting arty again, making paint handprints on a piece of paper. We really enjoyed getting to know more students across the year groups.

Finally, the Ribbons team created and filmed an A-Z of Kindness rap, which was shown during whole school assembly in Connections Week. The song suggests a kind and thoughtful action for each letter of alphabet that we can all carry out in our daily lives (and it has a very catchy chorus).

Being kind is not something we do for a week, it’s important for our whole lifetime. We hope Connections Week was a fun reminder of that.

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