Fun on and off the slopes on Italy ski trip

Fun on and off the slopes on Italy ski trip

24 April 2023

Students in Years 8 to Lower Sixth - and staff - enjoyed a week of skiing in Italy during the Easter holidays, with plenty of fun off the slopes too, as Year 9 skier Eliska explains.

Eliska S, Year 9

On the first day of the Easter holidays, we flew from Heathrow to Milan, where we took a coach to the ski resort of Bormio. We arrived at Hotel Nevada in the late afternoon, where we found our dorms and settled in.

Our first day of skiing was on Sunday and the conditions were great! They stayed that way the whole week and the weather was mostly good. There was one day when it wasn’t on our side, but we still managed to complete a whole day of skiing. We did races on the slopes and had a delicious hot chocolate at the restaurant at the top of the mountain, which had a very scenic view.

As well as skiing, we had a lot of fun during the evening activities, which included ice skating, a pizza night, and a quiz night. I think everyone would agree, the most memorable was karaoke night, especially when all our teachers joined in and sang a group song.

The trip was a great success and I definitely recommend it to everyone who has the chance to sign up next year.

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