Year 8 students confidently conduct independent research into Mars, mental health and fashion for AQA qualification

Year 8 students confidently conduct independent research into Mars, mental health and fashion for AQA qualification

25 April 2023

Miss Charlotte Owen, Head of Marden

Year 8 students Ella, Maia and Theodora gave excellent presentations on their chosen AQA Level 1 Project Qualification topics to a small panel of staff, including Dr Whitehead and Mr Kellaway, on Tuesday 18 April.

The students have worked independently throughout the year for this qualification, which is essentially a mini version of the highly-regarded EPQ many Woldingham Sixth Formers undertake, doing in depth research into their subject area, including surveys and interviews with experts.

Theodora’s chosen topic was “Will humans ever reach Mars?” and she even wrote to astronaut, Tim Peake, as part of her project – though, sadly, was only offered a signed photo in return. Maia talked confidently about how playing sport affects people’s mental health and Ella researched the very on-trend topic of how social media affects fashion. For the qualification, the students also completed a logbook alongside their essay and presentation, which helped focused their research and asked them to reflect on what they have learned and how they would improve their projects were they to do them again.

I was very impressed with the students’ level of detail, reflection, confidence and independence. I wish them every success when they receive their grades on GCSE results day this summer.

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