A Level Drama students show professionalism, maturity and talent in final performance exam

A Level Drama students show professionalism, maturity and talent in final performance exam

23 March 2023

Miss Stacey Williams, Director of Drama

On Tuesday 14 March, Upper Sixth students took to the stage for the final performance exam of their A Level Drama course. The students were required to apply a theatre practitioner’s methodologies to their work. They chose contemporary practitioner Katie Mitchell, who is well known for extreme realism and integration of multi-media in her performances.

The students approached their task with enthusiasm and creativity, tackling challenging and moving monologues and group pieces, Fleabag, 4:48 Psychosis, Every Brilliant Thing and The Container.

They employed a variety of techniques including live interaction with filmed sequences and voiceovers, inviting the audience to join them in an adjoining room transformed into a character’s lounge, and reducing the performance space in the drama studio to that of a shipping container where the audience joined them in an intimate and intense piece.

The students’ work was outstanding. They approached the evening with professionalism, maturity and exceptional talent, never losing sight of the fact this was a public performance and that they had stories they wanted to tell.

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