Academic buddies test their general knowledge and help shape future initiatives

Academic buddies test their general knowledge and help shape future initiatives

20 March 2023

Woldingham’s Academic Ribbon Tilda recently ran a quiz for students involved in the buddying initiative she set up to provide students with additional support in their day-to-day academic life, such as help with a particularly difficult topic or advice on subject choices. As she nears the end of her year of service, Tilda has also been working hard to support her successor.

 Tilda, Academic Ribbon

At our final buddy meet-up of this term, members went head-to-head in a general knowledge quiz using the learning platform Kahoot!

In their buddy pairs, they answered 30 questions I had prepared. Not only was this a fun way to round up this term, but it was lovely to see the teamwork between the buddies as they shared their knowledge with one another. (Besides, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition.) Congratulations to Laura, Lara, Vivienne, Fleur, Alice and Daisy for appearing on the podium.

Recently, I asked for feedback on the buddying system.  I was delighted to hear participants have found it so beneficial:

Imo, Lower Sixth The system has strengthened bonds between year groups. It’s refreshing to talk to students in other years, where you were once in their shoes, passing on your own experience, which I’m sure helps our buddies. It has also improved my communication skills.

Liv, Lower Sixth I found it great talking to my buddy in the lower school to establish connections between us. It also felt nice to be able to help someone using the knowledge that I have.

Laura, Year 9 The buddying system has allowed me to stretch in the academic areas I enjoy. I was able to learn beyond my lessons within my favourite subjects and my buddy helped me a lot with maths and reading, which helped inform my future choices.

Mattie, Year 8 I think the buddying system is great because it helps you make connections when you first join the school.

Sophie, Lower Sixth I have made friends with students in younger year groups and feel my help has been beneficial to my buddy.

Michaela, Lower Sixth I find helping someone with a subject strengthens my knowledge of the subject even further.

I also asked buddies how they thought the system could be improved. They came up with some great ideas, from having group meetings with multiple students from different year groups, to initiating a buddying system between Sixth Formers and alumnae, where students can have brunch with those working in careers they are interested in.

Hopefully some of these great ideas can be put into place soon by the next Academic Ribbon. I hope that, through the buddying system and other initiatives started this year, I will leave a lasting legacy at Woldingham.

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