Newly-formed badminton team plays first competitive match

Newly-formed badminton team plays first competitive match

7 February 2023

As well as success on the ski slopes and on tour, in the last couple of weeks students achieved personal bests in the pool, won a netball tournament and our newly-formed badminton team played its first cup match.

Andrea C, Year 11 – Badminton Captain

Eight of us in Years 10 and 11 recently formed a badminton team. Despite being a new team, we were fortunate to have the opportunity to compete in the London and South East Badminton Cup on Thursday 26 January. Our opposition was Walthamstow Hall, against which we played four singles games and six doubles. As this was the first badminton competition for most of our team members, we anticipated the match with much excitement and nervousness. Although we put on our best performance and played some great rallies, Walthamstow Hall won the match. After the official competition, the two teams enjoyed playing a few friendly matches to wrap up the day.

Thank you to the PE Department for encouraging us to play in a competitive setting. This has been an invaluable experience to develop our perseverance and technical skills. With a little more time and training the team - Constance Y, Jess I, Aikky K, Isadora L, Agnes C, Athena L, Feifei L and me - will be ready to step up to our next challenge.

Miss Alison May - Prior’s Field Netball Tournament

On Saturday 4 February, our U12 A and B netball teams competed in the Prior’s Field Invitational Tournament. Both teams rose to the challenge and thoroughly enjoyed the competition throughout the morning.

The A team won four matches, drew with Tormead, and lost to Prior’s Field. The final result was very close, and Woldingham finished in 3rd place, with Tormead taking the trophy.

In the B team competition, Woldingham won all six matches to take the tournament and shield. Congratulations to Zoe T (captain), Mathilda U (vice-captain), Annabella P, Clara E, Zeta S, Emi O, Lexi T, Kayleigh O and Evie F.

Maddie L, Sport Ribbon – Swimming update

Three members of the swim squad competed at Surrey Schools Individuals on the last weekend in January (see photo below). Each of us took part in one event: Lara S, Year 9, swam 100 back, Zoe T, Year 7, 100 breast and I competed in the 100 free. We were all delighted to achieve a personal best in our races, and I won a silver medal and Zoe a bronze.

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