Laura’s skill in combining science and art brings recognition in prestigious award

Laura’s skill in combining science and art brings recognition in prestigious award

11 October 2022

Congratulations to Year 9 boarder Laura for combining science and art brilliantly in an anatomical drawing (pictured in gallery below) which was highly commended in the Nancy Rothwell Award 2022. Laura received her prize on Thursday 6 October at the Royal Society of Biology’s Annual Awards Ceremony in London, as she describes below.

Laura K, Year 9

The idea for my entry into the Nancy Rothwell Award, which celebrates specimen drawing in schools, came to me after I visited a friend and met her pet - a central bearded dragon. This is, in fact, a type of lizard and not a dragon of any kind. After much hard work, I finished my anatomical drawing of the central bearded dragon and submitted it to the judging panel. In August, I heard that my drawing had been shortlisted. Then, much to my surprise, in September I received the news that my drawing had been highly commended in the award and an invitation to the Royal Society of Biology’s awards ceremony.

On Thursday 6 October, accompanied by Mrs Lane, who taught me biology last year, I attended the ceremony at Carlton House Terrace in Central London. I was very excited when one of the judges, illustrator and author Tim Pond, handed me my certificate and gave me warm words of congratulation. The winner and the highly commended candidates also received one of his books, which he had signed. After the ceremony, we had our photos taken and enjoyed some canapés, while chatting and congratulating each other on our accomplishments.

This achievement, and the awards ceremony, were very exciting and memorable. I am really looking forward to the online experience day at the Royal Veterinary College, which was also part of my prize.

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