Uplifting day of reflection at Wintershall for Upper Sixth

Uplifting day of reflection at Wintershall for Upper Sixth

26 September 2022

Fr Gerry Devlin, Chaplain

On Tuesday 20 September, Woldingham’s Upper Sixth was the first of our year groups this academic year to spend a day of reflection at the Wintershall Estate near Bramley, Surrey.

Wintershall is best known for its outstanding biblical drama productions including the Life of Christ, the Nativity and the Passion of Jesus, which is performed in Trafalgar Square on Good Friday to an audience of 20,000 people. The day began with two pieces of biblical drama, one focusing on Mary, the mother of Jesus, and one on Mary Magdalene, two very different characters who were close to Jesus on his journey through life. Students shared their thoughts and ideas about what they had seen and heard, inspiring a lively discussion about the role of women and how we should all feel empowered today.

We moved on to celebrating the Way of the Cross, stopping to reflect on the final journey of Jesus and our own journey as we try hard to listen to the Voice of Creation and care for our planet.  The students worked with our artist in residence, Eilise, to create part of a piece of art which will celebrate Woldingham’s 180th anniversary. Students across all year groups will contribute to the artwork before it goes on display.

The day concluded with the celebration of Mass. It was so uplifting to hear the students sing out and participate together.  At the end Léonie and Lelia led us in a hymn with actions, which we had used on previous days of reflection at Aylesford Priory. It was lovely to see all the students taking part.

In an inspiring and uplifting day, the students were encouraged to love and serve one another, living out our Sacred Heart Goal for this academic year, “building community.”  In the words of our first reading at Mass, given by our Sacred Heart Ribbon Isabella, the challenge is “not to let others disregard you because you are young, but to be an example to all in the ways you speak and believe, in your love, your faith and kind actions.”

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