International higher education event whets students’ appetites for overseas study

International higher education event whets students’ appetites for overseas study

1 December 2021

Students and parents in Years 10 to Lower Sixth learnt about overseas university options at an excellent virtual international higher education session on Monday 29 November.  David Hawkins from The University Guys co-ordinated proceedings and spoke about the USA, a perennially popular destination for Woldingham students, with 2021 leavers gaining places at MIT, Cornell and Parsons, New York. This was followed with talks by representatives from Bishop's University in Canada, Tilburg University in the Netherlands, Trinity College, Dublin and Study Options, a service funded directly by Australian and New Zealand universities.

The speakers looked at the similarities and differences of university and application systems and highlighted aspects of studying and living in their particular country which might make it a particularly great fit for some students.

After this tantalising taste of overseas study, attendees could visit speakers’  ‘virtual tables' to ask questions and delve deeper into university destinations they may choose to apply to in the Upper Sixth.

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