THRIVE sessions focus on key issues for young women today

THRIVE sessions focus on key issues for young women today

13 May 2021

Dr James Whitehead, Head

At Woldingham we continue to focus on key issues of concern for young women in modern society, so that our students are equipped for the society we live in. Year 9 recently had a THRIVE session on “Teens & Screens”, delivered by Alicia Drummond from Teen Tips. The session focused on online activity and the dangers posed by it including topics surrounding cyber bullying, the impact of sexting as well as the anxiety that can be caused by a present day social media presence. It delivered excellent questions from the speaker and well-thought-out answers from the students, who were able to explore the various terms and aspects related to the themes discussed.

For Year 10 students, Alicia Drummond, who created the parent Wellbeing Hub we subscribe to, spoke with the students about respect and relationships. The focus was that young women should not have to put up with some of the behaviours of men in the past and have every right to remove consent. The students were also invited to submit questions via a confidential survey for Alicia to answer at next week's THRIVE session. Year 10 will discuss the content of the talk further in their tutor groups using the student Wellbeing Hub, which we hope we will be in a place to launch next week. This is similar to the parent Wellbeing Hub but is focused on teenagers and provides a safe place for them to explore issues that young people are facing. This includes consent, and the Hub also has a series of FAQs that young people ask. There will also be practical sessions on self-defence later this term. These initiatives are all part of Woldingham’s longstanding commitment to outstanding pastoral care.

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