Top tips and big questions at Kritikos session

Top tips and big questions at Kritikos session

14 October 2020

Mrs Katharine Payne, Coordinator of Kritikos

Kritikos students enjoyed another successful event on Monday 12 October. Lower Sixth Kritikos students provided top tips for Year 9 GCSE studies in a live webinar, also watched by our Year 10 and 11 Kritikos students in their bubbles.

The Lower Sixth offered lots of subject-specific advice, as well as general tips, including:

  • Get organised
  • Start revising a bit at a time, making revision resources as you go - there will not be enough time at the end of Year 11 to do this
  • Avoid burnout
  • Ask for help from other students and teachers
  • Don't just copy out notes, do questions
  • Find a revision method that works for you. Try active tasks such as Quizlet, mind maps and past questions, not just note making.

We then went on to discuss some big questions just for the fun of stretching our brains. These were:

  • What is the solution to COVID and in the meantime how to we balance the freedom and security of each individual?
  • Recently “life” was found on Venus. How would you describe a spoon to an alien?
  • Is the gender of a book’s author or main character important?
  • How much does the Earth weigh?
  • What is so special about carbon?

Kritikos is a programme for students demonstrating both high academic ability and high engagement with learning. Kritikos comes from the ancient Greek idea of intellectual discernment. It is the ability to judge and evaluate rather than simply recite information.

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