Upper Sixth make valuable connections and gain career insights at networking breakfasts

Upper Sixth make valuable connections and gain career insights at networking breakfasts

29 November 2024

Mrs Janet Travis, Director of Higher Education and Careers

November saw the return of our very successful networking events for Upper Sixth students. The two breakfasts were held in the lovely café in our new Sixth Form Centre, where we were delighted to be joined by alumnae and parents from a wide range of business sectors including film and television, law and medicine, public relations, finance, IT, gaming and sport. Our guests gave fascinating insights into their careers and our Upper Sixth noted that many had moved between different careers and industries since graduating from university. It was an ideal opportunity for girls to gain an insight into professional life and to make connections for the future.

Thank you very much to all our guests for giving their time and expertise to help our students. If any parents or alumnae would like to take part in a future event, please contact our Alumnae Development Officer, Mrs Alison Alder.

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