Woldingham photographers celebrate the natural world through a scientific lens in annual competition

Woldingham photographers celebrate the natural world through a scientific lens in annual competition

23 May 2024

Mr Paul Rickard, Head of Science

Inspired by the theme of The Natural World, student and staff photographers submitted a stunning array of entries to this year's STEM Photography Competition. The talent and creativity on display made it a challenging task for our judge, photographer Kim Scott-Clark, to select winners in each age group. From striking landscapes to intimate wildlife portraits, the photos demonstrated exceptional skill in composition, focus, colour, and the use of extreme light. Here, we celebrate the winners (main photo and below) and runners-up (see photos below) who captured the beauty and intricacies of the natural world.

Years 7-8 Winner – Evelyn P, Year 7  Evelyn's breathtaking photograph of a double rainbow won the top prize in the Marden category. The image stands out for its clarity and completeness, with a bold tree positioned perfectly beneath the arcs, enhanced by the captivating lighting.

Years 7-8 Runner-up - Daisy W, Year 7  Daisy's image of a blue/green bird earned her the runner-up spot. The photograph's sharpness and the texture of the feathers, highlighted by a bright yellow eye and a wet surface, create a striking contrast against the out-of-focus background.

Years 9-11 Winner – Jovie W, Year 11  Jovie’s mountain landscape emerged as the winner. The judge praised the composition, particularly the water channel and path that draw the viewer's eye toward the mountain, creating a sense of journey and exploration.

Year 9-11 Runners-up Athena L, Year 10 and Emma C, Year 9  Athena's electric blue landscape, with its cold yet uplifting light, and Emma's photograph of a chilled seal, noted for its lovely texture and tone, secured them joint runner-up positions.

Sixth Form Winner – Andrea C, Lower Sixth  Andrea's city landscape took the top prize in the Sixth Form category. The focus on green vegetation against a blurred urban backdrop eloquently depict the tension between nature and human development, all under a vibrant blue sky.

Sixth Form Runner-up – Julia L, Upper Sixth  Julia’s vivid and colourful photograph captured the judge's imagination, who likened the scene to a Disney animation.

Staff Winner – Mrs Stephanie Howe, DT Technician  Mrs. Howe's powerful portrait of an often-overlooked creature, the iguana, captivated the judge with its direct eye contact and partially open mouth, evoking a mix of fear and wonder.

Staff Runner-up – Mr Terence Nunes, Head of Year 10  Mr Nunes was awarded the runner-up position for his portrayal of penguins set against green vegetation and a blue sea, offering a refreshing departure from their more usual icy habitat.

Congratulations to all our talented photographers for their extraordinary contributions to this year's competition. Their works not only celebrate the natural world but also inspire us to see its beauty through a scientific lens.

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