Year 8 students prepare for the workplace by exploring employability skills and gaining interview practice

Year 8 students prepare for the workplace by exploring employability skills and gaining interview practice

22 May 2024

Mrs Janet Travis, Head of Higher Education and Careers

This week, students in Year 8 were given a taste of working life in a series of workshops exploring employability skills, budgeting and career planning, run by the Young Enterprise organisation.

At the start of the morning, students put together a list of their ‘life dreams’, with no regard to cost or income. They soon faced reality when they saw their potential income after the deduction of income tax, national insurance and pension contributions, giving them a stark lesson in budgeting.

Students were also given an insight into the importance of gaining skills employers will be looking for when they apply for jobs. Finally, following a memorable and very amusing demonstration of how not to behave at a job interview, the students had the opportunity to begin to develop good interview skills during a ‘speed interview’ session. Thank you to Mr Philbin, Careers Coordinator, for organising this productive event.

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