Personality tests and the importance of our teeth among the fascinating topics students address in Thinking Big talks

Personality tests and the importance of our teeth among the fascinating topics students address in Thinking Big talks

21 May 2024

Mr Roy Peachey, Thinking Big programme co-ordinator

We have enjoyed another full programme of Thinking Big talks this half term. As always, our students have considered a wide range of topics in very thoughtful ways. We began the term with Lana and Ameli from Year 11 talking about ‘The four letters that define you: MBTI’. During their talk – given just a few days before their GCSEs began – they drew attention to some of the scientific challenges to personality tests and guided us through some of the reasons why these tests are so popular.

Since then, a duo of Lower Sixth Formers have asked ‘Do we brush over the importance of our teeth?’ (Head Girl, Onome) and ‘Should governments tax unhealthy foods?’ (Tina), as well as Hattie, who spoke about ‘The science of love and attraction’. Though all these talks were very well attended, Hattie’s, for some reason, proved particularly popular!

Ahead of the half term break, this Friday we’re looking forward to hearing from Gracie, Lower Sixth, on the topic ‘Is plastic surgery ethical?’

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