Insight day opens up the world of investment professionals for Lower Sixth students

Insight day opens up the world of investment professionals for Lower Sixth students

19 March 2024

Mia A and Alice K, Lower Sixth

On Thursday 14 March, we immersed ourselves in the world of financial investment at an insight day run by GAIN (Girls Are INvestors), an organisation set up to empower and educate the next generation of investment professionals.

Held at ARC, an asset risk management firm in London, the day began with an introduction to the company, including an overview of the company’s day to day activities and its goals and aspirations. We spent the day with numerous intelligent and driven women, who shared their personal advice and insights about the investment sector. We acquired an understanding of how to analyse risk relative to equities in comparison to potential returns and different investment routes, such as bonds, commodities, private equity and hedge funds. We also learnt how investment decisions are made in relation to the time frame, size, and the client’s objectives.

We then had the opportunity to sit in during a pitch from investment management firm Waverton and its subsequent evaluation with members of the ARC team. This gave us an insight to which factors stand out, not only in the investment sector but also in other sectors that require presentation skills, such as body language, confidence and the important ability to answer questions effectively - all in a given time frame.

Our day concluded with the opportunity to ask questions and advice on anything to do with career paths and future plans. Overall, the experience taught us the importance of being proactive when achieving personal objectives and the crucial need to encourage women in the financial sector as a whole. We are grateful to GAIN for such a helpful and interesting experience and look forward to attending future events and insight days.

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